
We are immensely grateful for the support of the following foundations and organizations, such as the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and the Anonymous Family Foundation, that make it possible for us to provide impactful programming in so many communities.

For more information about foundation and corporate support, please contact at info (at) actorsshakespeareproject.org, or 617.241.2200.

Sponsor.AB barr boston-foundation
screen-shot-2016-09-07-at-12-45-19-pm EdVestors screen-shot-2016-09-07-at-12-51-12-pm
Sponsor.ICREATE Margaret Steward Lindsay

Margaret Stewart Lindsay Foundation title


Sponsor.MH Sponsor.NEA screen-shot-2016-09-07-at-12-53-56-pm
Redfinredfin.com Sponsor.SI Sponsor.SS