ASP Opens Season 15!
Turning the Page to Season 15
MACBETH by William Shakespeare in a verse translation by Migdalia Cruz
in rotating repertory with
September 26 – November 11, 2018
The Sanctuary at the United Parish in Brookline
Boston, MA– September 11, 2018– Actors’ Shakespeare Project kicks off their 15th Season with Macbeth and Equivocation in rotating repertory at the United Parish in Brookline. Performances September 26 – November 11 (Press Performance for Macbeth: Saturday, September 28, 8:00 PM; Press Performance for Equivocation: Friday, October 12, 7:30 PM), The Sanctuary, United Parish, 210 Harvard Street, Brookline. For more information visit actorsshakespeareproject.org.
Macbeth follows a man’s descent into violent ambition, spurred on by love and the supernatural. Once a noble lord, Macbeth is drawn into betrayal and murder by a witch’s prophecy. Lady Macbeth, his loving wife and ruthless partner, urges him forward. With a simple story, Shakespeare unravels the complexities of power and desire, creating a world without heroes.
Macbeth is the world premiere of a new verse translation by playwright Migdalia Cruz. This translation is part of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival’s Play on! Project, a national initiative engaging diverse playwright and dramaturg teams with the goal of broadening access for contemporary audiences. Approximately 80% of the original heightened language remains while obsolete words and complex phrases are adapted for contemporary understanding. ASP is excited to be a part of the national conversation around the power of Shakespeare’s language and our relationship to his plays. This production seeks to spur lively conversation around language, text, and accessibility and is part of ASP’s deepened commitment to diversity and inclusivity. www.playonosf.org/about/
Dawn Meredith Simmons, Artistic Director of the Front Porch Arts Collective, and recently appointed Executive Director of StageSource, directs Macbeth. “This play is one of my earliest artistic influences, both in my hometown of Buffalo, when I saw it in the catacombs of the Buffalo Public Library at 15 and again when working on the all female version, here at ASP as assistant AD. Never in my lifetime did I think I would be asked to direct this show,” says Simmons. “I have always been fascinated by the driving forces of ambition and love and what happens to us when those drives combine.”
Resident Acting Company cast members include Steven Barkhimer* (Duncan, Porter) and Maurice Parent* (Banquo). Other cast members include Nael Nacer* (Macbeth), Paige Clark* (Lady Macbeth), Ed Hoopman* (Macduff), Kai Tshikosi (Malcolm), Jade Guerra (Lady Macduff), Alex Casillas (Ross), Trinidad Ramkissoon (Lennox) and Shanelle Villegas (Fleance). Additional roles played by members of the ensemble.
The design and production team includes Jon Savage** (Scenic), Laura Hildebrand (Lighting), Rachel Padula-Shufeldt (Costumes), Elizabeth Cahill (Sound), Joe Stallone (Props), Suzanne MacDonald (Dramaturg), Jesse Hinson* (Violence), Christine Hamel* (Vocal Coach), Marsha Smith* (Stage Manager), Lauren Burke* (Assistant Stage Manager) and Deb Sullivan (Production Manager).
Equivocation runs in rotating rep with Macbeth, with five of Equivocation’s cast members also performing in Macbeth. The plays were intentionally selected to be in conversation with one another.
In Equivocation, local playwright Bill Cain transports audiences to 1605 London. Playwright William “Shagspeare’s” career is on the edge when the King commissions a play: the “true history” of the Gunpowder Plot. Forced to write a propaganda piece (with witches, the King demands), Shagspeare must face his own artistic motivations and learn what it means to write the truth in dangerous times.
ASP Artistic Director Christopher V. Edwards directs this regional premiere. “Equivocation is a play that looks directly at the idea of speaking truth to power and how to avoid being a mouthpiece for a propagandist agenda that you don’t agree with. How do you connect your life to your art and let it be your truth?”
Resident Acting Company cast members include Steven Barkhimer* (Shagspeare) and Maurice Parent* (Robert Cecil). Other cast members include Nael Nacer* (Richard Burbage), Ed Hoopman* (Sharpe), Kai Tshikosi (Armin) and Kimberly Gaughan (Judith). Additional roles played by members of the ensemble.
The design and production team include designers Jon Savage** (Scenic), Laura Hildebrand (Lighting), Jessica Pribble (Costumes), Elizabeth Cahill (Sound), Joe Stallone (Props), Caley Chase (Dramaturg), Marsha Smith* (Stage Manager), Lauren Burke* (Assistant Stage Manager) and Deb Sullivan (Production Manager).
Macbeth Preview Performances: Wednesday September 26, Thursday September 27 and Friday September 28 at 7:30 PM.
Macbeth Press Performance: Saturday September 29 at 8:00 PM. Please RSVP to: mara@actorsshakespeareproject.org.
Equivocation Preview Performance: Thursday October 11 at 7:30 PM.
Equivocation Press Performance: Friday October 12 at 7:30 PM.
Regular Performance Schedule: Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays at 7:30 PM, Saturdays at 3 PM and 8 PM and Sundays at 3 PM with post-show conversations.
Tickets are $25-$60.00 ($15 student rush) and can be purchased at https://www.actorsshakespeareproject.org/box-office/single-tickets/ or at the Box Office one hour before curtain, although selection may be limited. Senior discount tickets are $5 off of regular priced tickets. Groups of 10+ may reserve seats for select performances via 617.776.2200 x225.
Macbeth, in a special performance at the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University:
Fog x Macbeth Sunday, October 21 at 5:00pm
Performing Arts at the Arnold Arboretum partners with Actors’ Shakespeare Project as part of the celebration series for the twentieth anniversary of the Emerald Necklace Conservancy. Renowned artist Fujiko Nakaya designs climate-responsive “fog sculptures” for five Emerald Necklace parks, providing an evocative setting for a shortened version of ASP’s Macbeth at the Arboretum on October 21. Performed outdoors; tickets are free. For more information: arboretum.harvard.edu
ASP’s award-winning Project Education programs focus on Macbeth this fall. Scheduled events are listed below; others forthcoming.
A six-show student matinee series, including partnerships with local schools and DYS facilities funded by the National Endowment for the Arts Shakespeare in American Communities program. All student matinees for this production are currently sold out; please contact groups@actorsshakespeareproject.org to be placed on the waiting list or for alternative options.
A series of post-show conversations and special events supported by Mass Humanities, including:
“The Big Risk Taketh,” September 30, 5:30 pm: Playwright Migdalia Cruz and Oregon Shakespeare Festival Director of Play on! Lue Morgan Douthit talk about the process of translating Macbeth and the Play on! series as a whole.
“Lend Me Your Ears, Part 1” October 7, 5:30 pm: A lively debate between scholars and practitioners about the evolution of the English language, starting with Shakespeare up until the tweets of today. Guest panelists to be announced.
“Lend Me Your Ears, Part 2” October 14, 5:30 pm: A lively debate between scholars and practitioners about the evolution of the English language, starting with Shakespeare up until the tweets of today. Guest panelists to be announced.
A full youth production of Macbeth, incorporating young people’s original work, performed at the Charlestown Working Theater, December 13, 14, 15, 7:30 pm.
In addition to the funders listed above, ASP is grateful to be supported by the Mass Cultural Council.
For updated information visit: actorsshakespeareproject.org/project-education
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