Plays & Events

Written by William Shakespeare
Directed by Bridget Kathleen O’Leary
“Tis in ourselves that we are thus or thus.”
– Othello, Act I
With Othello, a searing and operatic tale of envy and manipulation, Shakespeare gives us an intimate look into a Machiavellian mind whose machinations seduce us with surgical lacerations of the heart.
Elle Borders (Bianca & Montana)
Josephine Elwood (Desdemona)
Thomas Grenon (Duke & Gratiano)
Jennie Israel* (Emilia & Brabantia)
John Kuntz* (Iago)
Ross MacDonald* (Cassio)
Johnnie McQuarley* (Othello)
Bari Robinson (Roderigo & Lodovico)
Designers Include
Chris Brusberg (lights)
Tyler Kinney (costumes)
Eric Levenson** (scenic)
David Reiffel** (sound)
Post-show discussions after Sunday 2pm matinee performances only.
Student matinees at 10am on October 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, and 22.
Please contact groups@actorsshakespeareproject.org if interested.
Free Open Rehearsal: Saturday, September 12, 2015 at 11am at The Modern Theatre at Suffolk University
All welcome! Please RSVP to boxoffice@actorsshakespeareproject.org.
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- Single tickets for Othello now on sale! Purchase tickets.
- Current Subscribers: Reserve your seats for Othello today! Submit preferred dates.